Oakley Multi Use Gaming Area
Multi Use Game Area
Oakley Parish Council is proud to present the news that we now have a newly installed Multi Use Game Area (MUGA) which has been installed in Oakley Playing Field during summer/autumn of 2019.
The MUGA is open to all residents of Oakley and the intention is that for the majority of time it will be open to all for walk-on use by the community. Bookings will therefore be limited. If, however, a group of villagers do wish to arrange a regular activity for sufficient numbers of village residents at a set time then the Parish Council will consider reserving suitable slots on request. For any such requests please email [ ].
There is a link to the current weekly timetable below which shows who and when regular slots have been booked. Also a copy of this document is also displayed in the Notice Board by the MUGA. If you are using the MUGA on a walk on basis and one of these slots starts please make way for the group who has made a booking.
There is also a link to the Rules of Use and Code of Conduct below and this can be printed from the website if you require. Any use of the MUGA by groups and the public is subject to compliance with these Rules.