Oakley Village Previous Events Gallery

Please contact us if you wish to upload any photos of previous Oakley village events.



Armistice Day Tree Planting 11th November 2018

Armistice Day Tree Planting 11th November 2018

Part of Exhibition on WW1 on Armistice Weekend in Oakley Village Hall

Part of Exhibition on WW1 on Armistice Weekend in Oakley Village Hall

WW1 Exhibition in Village Hall Nov 2018

WW1 Exhibition in Village Hall Nov 2018

WW1 Exhibition Armistice Weekend in Oakley Village Hall Nov 2018

WW1 Exhibition Armistice Weekend in Oakley Village Hall Nov 2018

Mr Mole Chairman of Oakley Parish Council and one of the organiser’s of the Armistice Day Weekend Events

Mr Mole Chairman of Oakley Parish Council and one of the organiser’s of the Armistice Day Weekend Events